Piscina de calitate cu filtrare Lime pool de la marca olandeză Exit Toys este o piscină deasupra pământului rotundă, cu dimensiuni de 300*200*65 cm, cu care se va distra întreaga familie. Piscina robustă într-un design maro cu model de lemn va decora fiecare curte si grădina, este dotată cu o structură de top din oțel galvanizat tratata cu tehnologie pulbere, astfel încât să reziste excelent la coroziune și conditiile meteorologice. Piscina este foarte stabilă datorită celor 10 picioare metalice solide și stă ferm pe loc. Puritatea apei este asigurată de o pompă cu filtru tip casetă, care asigură debitul apei fără probleme și in acelasi timp o menține curată.
Parasolarul va oferi o experiență de baie răcoritoare, protejându-vă de lumina puternică a soarelui și radiațiile UV excesive. Parasolarul reglabil este ușor de adaptat nevoilor dvs., este ușor de pliat și de asamblat. Volumul piscinei este de 3700 de litri, partea interioară a piscinei este albastră, datorită căreia apa va da o impresie curată și proaspătă. Greutatea totala a piscinei este de 34 kg iar zona de înot are un dimensiuni de 300*200 cm cu o adâncime recomandată a apei de 55 cm. Dimensiunile totale ale piscinei cu structură sunt 343*251 cm. În piscină pot face baie confortabili 4 adulți sau mai mulți copii de la vârsta de 6 ani. Prelata care acoperă piscina este formată dintr-un material PVC rezistent și gros, care se mândrește cu o durată lungă de viață.
Brandul olandez Exit Toys aduce de ani de zile copiilor și adulților, jucării de exterior de cea mai bună calitate. Produsele Exit Toys îndeplinesc chiar și cele mai stricte criterii și standarde de calitate ale Uniunii Europene, dețin certificări TÜV, CE, EN71. Piscinele au un aspect original olandez și de cea mai înaltă calitate, vor rezista în grădina dumneavoastră ani de zile și vor oferi distracție întregii familii!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
With the EXIT dome for pools you are no longer dependent on weather predictions. The dome keeps dirt out of the water and also acts as a sustainable solution for heating the water, as the heat of the sun is kept under the dome. The dome is easy to open due to its unique hinge mechanism and because it is transparent, you can still keep an eye on what’s going on outside the pool. So: enjoy your pool whatever the weather.
Bazén s filtráciou Lime pool od holandskej značky Exit Toys je nadzemný bazén s rozmermi 220*150 cm, s ktorým sa zabavia rodičia spolu so svojimi deťmi. Robustný bazén v zelenom vyhotovení ozdobí každý dvor a záhradu, je vybavený špičkovou pozinkovanou oceľovou konštrukciou ošetrenou práškovou technológiou, takže vynikajúco odoláva korózii a poveternostným podmienkam. Bazén je vďaka 10 pevným kovovým nohám veľmi stabilný a stojí pevne na mieste. O čistotu vody sa postará kazetové filtračné čerpadlo, ktoré zabezpečuje bezproblémové prúdenie vody a zároveň ju čistí.
Objem bazéna je 1800 litrov, vnútorná časť bazéna je modrá, vďaka čomu bude voda pôsobiť čistým a sviežim dojmom. Celková váha bazéna je 18 kg a plocha na plávanie má rozmery 220*150 cm s odporúčanou hĺbkou vody 55 cm. Celkové rozmery bazéna s konštrukciou sú 263*201 cm. V bazéne sa pohodlne okúpu 3 dospelé osoby alebo viacero detí už od 6 rokov. Jeho plášť pozostáva z odolného a hrubého PVC materiálu, ktorý sa pýši vysokou životnosťou. Súčasťou balenia je aj sada na prípadnú opravu steny plášťa. Tento skvelý kompaktný bazén zapadne do každej záhrady a počas horúcich letných dní vám prinesie tie najlepšie osviežujúce zážitky na dlhé roky.
Holandská značka Exit Toys už dlhé roky prináša deťom aj dospelým prvotriedne outdoor hračky. Produkty Exit Toys spĺňajú aj tie najprísnejšie kritéria kvality a normy Európskej únie, sú držiteľmi certifikácií TÜV, CE, EN71. Bazény sa vyznačujú originálnym holandským vzhľadom a najvyššou kvalitou, vydržia vo vašej záhrade dlhé roky a poskytnú zábavu celej rodine!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
With the EXIT dome for pools you are no longer dependent on weather predictions. The dome keeps dirt out of the water and also acts as a sustainable solution for heating the water, as the heat of the sun is kept under the dome. The dome is easy to open due to its unique hinge mechanism and because it is transparent, you can still keep an eye on what’s going on outside the pool. So: enjoy your pool whatever the weather.
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
With the EXIT dome for pools you are no longer dependent on weather predictions. The dome keeps dirt out of the water and also acts as a sustainable solution for heating the water, as the heat of the sun is kept under the dome. The dome is easy to open due to its unique hinge mechanism and because it is transparent, you can still keep an eye on what’s going on outside the pool. So: enjoy your pool whatever the weather.
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
With the EXIT dome for pools you are no longer dependent on weather predictions. The dome keeps dirt out of the water and also acts as a sustainable solution for heating the water, as the heat of the sun is kept under the dome. The dome is easy to open due to its unique hinge mechanism and because it is transparent, you can still keep an eye on what’s going on outside the pool. So: enjoy your pool whatever the weather.
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
With the EXIT dome for pools you are no longer dependent on weather predictions. The dome keeps dirt out of the water and also acts as a sustainable solution for heating the water, as the heat of the sun is kept under the dome. The dome is easy to open due to its unique hinge mechanism and because it is transparent, you can still keep an eye on what’s going on outside the pool. So: enjoy your pool whatever the weather.
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
A unique pool with a cool stone pattern and black frame and with its natural look, the Stone pool blends in perfectly with your garden. The inside of the pool is blue, so that it still has that refreshing pool feel to it. The round shape of the pool makes it nice and cosy and allows enough room to fit several people, so you can enjoy great times together. Go for the swimming pools from EXIT Toys, a real must-have for your garden this summer!
With the EXIT dome for pools you are no longer dependent on weather predictions. The dome keeps dirt out of the water and also acts as a sustainable solution for heating the water, as the heat of the sun is kept under the dome. The dome is easy to open due to its unique hinge mechanism and because it is transparent, you can still keep an eye on what’s going on outside the pool. So: enjoy your pool whatever the weather.
Din motive de igienă, aceste bunuri nu pot fi returnate dacă au fost scoase din ambalaj.
Vârstă | De la 6 ani |
Tara de provenienta | Fabricat în Olanda |
Dimensiuni | 300*200*65 cm |
Greutate | 34 kg |
Volum | 3700 l |
Culoarea | verde |
Set de produse | Nu |